The healing porch

Started by Wife#2, July 10, 2017, 02:19:15 PM

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Squiff over, I need a little sit-down today, too.  It's lovely to see you all here!


Hi Candid! I see the Tortoise is taking over in your life instead of that crazy Hare.


Oh, well put!  :applause: I tried to turn a photo of my own many tortoises into my avatar, but this jaunty fellow steppin' out (and grabbed from a google image search) works better.

Yeah, the hare died of exhaustion.  Gather round, my friends, for just 30 seconds.


hilarious!  thanks for that. 

hangin out here today with my peeps.  feels good. 


Definitely hanging out here this morning. I need a break from everything just for a little while.


I don't really know what I need this morning.  Maybe some chocolate and a gentle breeze.


you got it, allie.   i'm going to sleep thinking of all you and just enjoying you being here and in my life.  i'm already smiling.


Can I have a hobbit hole this morning?


Most things are possible on the Healing Porch, so I'm sure a hobbit hole is too.  ;)


i'm here all day today.  pretty burned out right now.  it's nice to take a day off, just sit and do/not do whatever feels right. 

i think the eclipse got to me somewhere inside.  something is turning over.  i just want to relax and let it happen.  i'm happy to be surrounded by flowers - they always make me feel good.


I'll be on the porch today, I need some hugs and gentle, kind people. Some non-rambunctious dogs - so the elderly ones - I could do with too. As explained in my Journal I made the decision to give my 2 guinea pigs back to the Guinea Pig Rescue Society. I don't want to overburden the Healing Porch with a written form of what all that entails, but if anybody is interested, you'll find it in Blueberry's Journal. Well, I'll just say I'm very sad.

All my guinea pigs, past and present, are in the vicinity of the Porch. They prefer to be in a big run on the grass, than actually on the Porch. A wooden porch?? How boring is that?? You can't even eat it!! But grass - what bliss! You get to lie in/on your food and choose each delicious juicy blade of grass yourself. Some do smell and taste better than others!

Maybe I'll rock a bit to and fro in the hammock.


I will sit here with you today, with hugs and support as you need them. Always gentle and kind. :hug:

For myself, I will go on a walk down by the water and just feel the water in my bare feet. It is relaxing


Thank you Elphanigh!  A walk down by the water sounds lovely too. I will probably do so another day. I do it lots IRL like after T in the nearby lake.

I came onto the porch specifically because there are kind, gentle, and understanding people on the porch, which isn't always the case IRL. Even if people don't mean to be unkind, they don't always understand the depths of our pain over things that seem minor. I hope nobody on here thought I meant people on the Porch might be otherwise.


Blueberry, I can't imagine anyone would think that is what you meant. Don't worry at all.

I am glad to be on the porch with you tonight. Think it is time for tea and maybe a good book


I was on the porch with you yesterday afternoon, Blueberry.  We weren't talking, just sitting beside each other.