Thoughts, feedback? I am doubting myself too much.

Started by barbidoll, October 15, 2017, 02:16:39 PM

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i think writing it down is a good idea.  sorry that the shelter is out of reach for now.  standing with you all the way.  big hug, barbi.


You are doing great! I am so proud of you!!! This is huge! So I just wanted to recognize your courage to do this. 

While you may draw a blank when talking to them, I don't believe they'll pressure you. They didn't pressure me when I went. Now I didn't go to stay, I went for counseling and guidance. Besides, they couldn't have taken me in, anyway. There weren't any beds available for men, anywhere in my State, anyway. Would have ended up at the homeless shelter.
They know that this is super hard to do, so they will probably be over gentle with you. I half expected to be treated like I wasn't welcomed there, cuz I'm a man. And I did get some shocked looks from a few of the women staying there. Never felt so guilty just for being a guy before, either.  A male counselor saw what was happening and quickly rushed me to a private room.  I felt bad for those few ladies, because I knew they were there because of abusive men.

Do women, in general, know or even believe men can and are victims of DV too?
Make sure you tell them at the DV shelter, how the exes call CPS on you with false reports, all the time. They may be able to help with that also. I hope they can.

Supporting you, believing in you.