Accept and Advance: CPTSD as a blessing

Started by Skier Anonymous, November 22, 2017, 12:07:32 AM

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It's sad whenever a member leaves but in the four years I've been here a few have come back to try again and that's what I keep in mind in situations like this.  Realizing you may have  some more work to do in recovery is not a bad thing IMO. 


Re. "blessing":

I think happiness is a blessing. So are respect, love, friendship, empathy, strength, health, ability, trust, hope, meaning, purpose, all the things that contribute to happiness. Chocolate and ice cream too. And waffles :)

Being an object, being treated sadistically by others till it breaks your spirit beyond repair, then being abused again and again, being used by others, living with a destroyed body, that's no blessing. That's pain.

I can totally understand the wish to turn pain into happiness. After all, it's what we all wish for on some level. It may be the goal of therapy and of talking about our pain.
But just saying pain is a blessing and then claiming all is well (because you're now blessed) reminds me a bit of the slogans from "1984" and also all my abusers' gaslighting. Pain is pain. Naming things correctly seems important.

It's probably painful, though... no pun intended. My heart goes out to everyone who is trying their best to skip the painful bits of dealing with c-ptsd by jumping ahead.
I wish them all the happiness in the world and back. Hope it works for them. Didn't for me, but maybe they'll crack it.

Just my two cents.