Pit Bull's yard (recovery journal)

Started by pit_bull, December 19, 2017, 06:44:48 AM

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So why the name pit bull?

Before I started working I used to go to this church to get groceries and some of the men there gave me the nickname "pit bull" after I stood up to a woman who tried to take some cheese from me. Long story short. It turns out this woman was "crazy", on medication, and not my kind of "crazy". That was a long time ago, but the name stuck.

Additionally a long time ago my mom said I needed a "dog collar". Well, I ended up getting one in an "experimental" bdsm relationship that ended up being a failure, perhaps more about that later.

Anyways, I've been working for a year, post diagnosis, so I suppose that's where or this is where my real recovery from CPTSD starts. CPTSD took 10 years off my career, coupled with divorce and single motherhood.

At any rate, its strange working with CPTSD. Because its CPTSD and not PTSD I'm quite sure I had symptoms of it early on in my working life, but they hadn't reached the devastating level they got to post divorce.

Most of my working life I've dealt with customers, the public, people.

Perhaps in my next entry I will trace the trajectory of my CPTSD in terms of my work life, prior to my diagnosis, in terms of my fight defense mechanism.

Thank you for reading.