CLOSED - Research Participants Needed re Childhood Trauma & Supportive Rels

Started by Kizzie, March 01, 2018, 05:34:39 PM

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Naydine Johney is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Clinical Psychology at the Antioch University in New England, USA.  She has approval from the university to conduct a study into how adults who experienced childhood trauma may have achieved growth and success through supportive relationships (e.g., a coach, teacher, friend, family member, etc).  Additional information is included below.

IMO the benefits of this study for those with Complex PTSD and trauma professionals is that it will provide important data regarding the potential of significant/healthy relationships to mitigate the effects of trauma (e.g., pairing young people who are dealing with psychological trauma with a supportive, positive mentor).  As such, if you do/did have the experience of a supportive relationship please consider participating.  It's one small way we can potentially help young people in the same situation many of us were in as children/youth.



This research study explores how individuals with difficult childhood experiences have achieved growth and success through supportive relationships.


Ø Be 18 years or older
Ø Have a supportive figure in mind (Could be a family member, friend, teacher, coach, co-worker, etc.)
Ø Experienced ANY of the following before 18 years old:
     §  Physical or emotional neglect.
     §  Psychological, emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
     §  Witnessed violence against a mother, grandmother, or maternal figure.
     §  Lived with household members who were mentally ill, substance abusers, or ever imprisoned.
     §  You may qualify with another experience not mentioned above, contact researcher to find out.

To learn more or to participate  call, text or email Naydine at 347-441-3951 or
See also