
Started by Phoebes, July 09, 2018, 07:11:46 PM

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Ugh. I'll try to be brief. Just spent time with GCs and nephews. Long story short, the denial and lack of reality is creating two monsters. It is mind-boggling, and the way she treats ME when they are behaving badly is infuriating. I literally am alive because of wanting to be in their lives and leave them with a good and positive legacy from their aunt. Right now after a vacation together, I feel like there is no one left I can relate to anymore. They are living and playing out their dysfunction because GCs refuses to learn about the dynamic-refuses to delve into it about our Nm because that would mean facing it and likely losing a baby sitter. I can't see this situation getting better because the kids have learned how to manipulate and it works for them. They do what they want, throw every kind of tantrum, do the opposite of what was asked, lie, and the adults are expected to scurry behind picking up after them and sacrificing their peace and good time because of the kids, with never one consequence to the kids. In earlier childhood they were spanked every two seconds, and now they never have a consequence. I don't get it and as you can see I am feeling pretty hopeless. There is no way I'm spending my vacations with my ONLY family like this again.  :blowup: