The Healing Porch - Part 4

Started by Kizzie, July 24, 2018, 04:41:03 PM

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Coming here to rest today, not feeling particularly well. I will make myself a cup of tea with honey in it and find a nice comfy chair. I have blanket and a book, my two favorites when I am not feeling well. I have also opened a beautiful puzzle to be worked on. It will give me something a little more hands on to focus on today. Everyone is welcome to work on it if it is helpful to you, even if I am not here.


Sure I started a new puzzle today as well its a Michelangelo painting, I am joining u on the porch for some peace


Awesome, Wattlebird. I have one irl that I am almost finished with, it is a full grey scale puzzle (which is both a welcome challenge and a complete pain) that is of a beautiful fair in a snowy forest.


Yes me too a 4000 piece, started today, it's such a soothing past time, enjoy


4000 pieces is so many, that is an impressive feat. The one I have is only 1500 pieces. Granted I only work on it every couple of days after work for a bit. I would love to try something that large one day.


Yes first one I've attempted this big usually I stick to smaller ones so I don't get sick of the same old picture, but I've always loved Michelangelo enormously and couldn't pass on this one, it will take months
Anyways sorry I've hijacked the porch


Not a hijack at all. The porch is here to talk about things that help us relax. If that is a beautiful puzzle, I imagine that is okay.


Doing a puzzle sounds lovely! I'd have to clear and then clean the floor IRL to do one :aaauuugh: but doing one on the porch :) :thumbup:


I love that the puzzle appealed to more than just me! Glad to have the company today  :hug: ;D


Back on the porch tonight I just can't sleep, I'm in need of healing porch time to settle the mess in my head atm


Coming her to rest today. Yesterday was a lot, so I brought peppermint tea and a warm blanket full of reassurance and protection. I also have a book and some candles. Think I am just going to sit quietly and take in the peacefulness of the porch in one of my favorite chairs today.


i'm here for the rest of the day.  i'd love to join in on a puzzle - very calming and soothing.  plus, i just want to smile with and at everyone here.  i'm smiling now just thinking about it.  got some raspberry tea yesterday and cinnamon rolls to share if anyone's interested.  feeling full of love for all of you right now.


San I just started a new puzzle irl last night, it is a Doctor Who puzzle that my roommates family never managed to complete so of course I am determined. I would love to sit and work on one with you today. What kind of puzzles do you like? Also raspberry tea and cinnamon rolls are wonderful. I have some blueberries if anyone likes them on top or next to their cinnamon rolls (I know it is a weird quirk of mine  :whistling:)


I'm here working on my puzzle  irl, it's a great way to spend time relaxing, enjoy your puzzles too


I am going to have little me stay here today, I have created her a space that is just hers in my own head but she needs to not just always reside there for now. So I think the porch will be perfect, she can play with the dogs and any younger kittens. Will let her draw in chalk and play some hopscotch here today. I will come and check on her every little bit but she is very friendly as long as you don't sneak up on her and scare her. If anyone needs company or warm cookies she has a constant supply. It is calming to know she can be in this space, and safe  :hug: