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If You are in Crisis

If you are in crisis and contemplating suicide, please do not wait. Reach out for help - it's out there for you!  Go to your local Emergency Room, or contact any of the following organizations:

Befrienders Worldwide provides emotional support worldwide to prevent suicide - http://www.befrienders.org

The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)  provides information about where to find help around the world http://www.iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/ 

If you are considering self-harm or injury, please consider contacting your physician, your local Emergency Room, and/or the following organizations for help:

Cutting and Self-Harm: Self-Injury Help, Support and Treatment - http://www.aaets.org/article206.htm

Safe Haven - https://gabrielle.self-injury.net/  This is an online community with an extensive FAQ section about self-injury and a detailed series of pages about recovery from self-injury. There is also a large list of resources for those who self-injure. 

If you are in a domestic violence situation, call the police if the threat is immediate.  Otherwise, consult the following website for resources worldwide:

Hot Peach contains an extensive international inventory of hotlines, shelters, refuges, crisis centers and women's organizations, searchable by country, and domestic violence resources in over 70 languages - http://www.hotpeachpages.net

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